In the aftermath of the horrific events that took place on 9/11/2001, Dr. Jay Pepose (Founder of Pepose Vision Institute) contemplated how he could give back to the thousands of First Responders who risked (and gave) their lives to protect and serve their communities and nation. He noted how many of these First Responders wore corrective lenses – contact lenses or glasses – when they functioned in their official capacities.
After extensive research into this situation, and through intensive conversations with First Responders throughout the St. Louis region, he came to realize that these corrective lenses seriously impeded the on-the-job safety and performance of First Responders. In fact, he discovered that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) had even conducted an unpublished study showing the impact of corrective lenses on the ability of police to safely assess threatening situations to themselves and others. Fire personnel recounted to Dr. Pepose the problems they faced wearing contacts or glasses under their masks, including the impact of smoke on their ability to see clearly in emergency situations. Paramedics spoke about the challenges of starting IVs and providing other emergency medical care in the back of a jolting emergency medical vehicle.